Saturday, September 8, 2007

MMT#37- Mad Cow Festival Visual Recital Workshop

Partnering with the Notes at 9,000 Emerging Artist Series, we developed a pilot Visual Recital Workshop for the 2007 Mad Cow Festival, where amateur artists created mixed media visuals for synchronized live performance to the music of Debussy. I collaborated with winners of the Emerging Artist Series competition in a fantastic concert combining dance, music, and visuals in a format that one listener proclaimed as "the future of live classical concerts!" With the Visual Recital Workshop, the audience member is immersed in the performance and plays a vital participatory role as co-creator with the musician. Many thanks to SoYoung Lee, Amy J. Clark, Charmain Schuh, and the creative team at The Dairy for this innovative approach to the live concert experience! Here's the video storyboard:

Hugh Sung Hugh Sung

Hugh Sung
Hugh Sung
Hugh Sung
Hugh Sung
Hugh Sung
Hugh Sung

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hugh sung
hugh sung
hugh sung
hugh sung
hugh sung

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